Vera Bradley Designs Growth Strategies with Manhattan SCALE

Challenged with manual ordering processes, high labour costs and unacceptable error rates, Vera Bradley’s goal was to overhaul supply chain operations to keep up with its double-digit growth. The company moved into a larger DC, automated order processing and rolled out ERP along with Manhattan SCALE. As a result of “The Big Four,” Vera Bradley’s growth challenges were met, labour productivity jumped 25%, picking accuracy increased and order volume rose from 1,500 to 6,000 daily.

Dealing with manual ordering processes kept labour costs high and led to higher than acceptable error rates.

In order to keep up with rapid growth, Vera Bradley implemented Manhattan SCALE with ERP to eliminate manual order processing and moved to a larger distribution centre. These initiatives became known across the company as “The Big Four.”

Growth challenges were met, labour productivity jumped 25%, picking accuracy increased, and order processing volume rose from 1,500 to 6,000 daily.

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